Discovering the Natural Wonders Along F Road 208

Iceland's highlands

Discovering the Natural Wonders Along F Road 208

Venturing into the heart of Iceland's rugged highlands via F road 208 presents an opportunity to encounter some of the island's most hidden and breathtaking natural wonders. This journey will guide you through the raw beauty of Sigöldugljúfur Canyon, the stunning blue waters of Hnausapollur, the enigmatic allure of Ljóti Pollur, and the serene Frostastaðavatn. Each of these destinations showcases the unique geological and cultural tapestry of Iceland, making for an unforgettable exploration.


Sigöldugljúfur: The Valley of Tears Our journey begins with the remarkable Sigöldugljúfur, a canyon of unparalleled beauty hidden within the Icelandic highlands. Known colloquially as the "Valley of Tears," Sigöldugljúfur is a masterpiece of nature's artistry. This relatively unknown gem was revealed following the construction of the nearby Sigalda Dam in the 1970s. The damming of the river led to a significant transformation of the landscape, unveiling a canyon marked by steep, moss-covered cliffs from which numerous waterfalls cascade into a serene river below.

The accessibility of Sigöldugljúfur, primarily during the summer months, allows adventurers on F roads in Iceland to witness the contrasting vivid green moss against the dark volcanic rock. The countless waterfalls add a dynamic element to the canyon, creating a soothing soundscape and a visual feast for photographers and nature lovers alike. Although off the beaten path, this spot offers a peaceful experience amidst the roaring quiet of the falls—a perfect introduction to the mystical highlands of Iceland.


Hnausapollur: A Blue Gem Amidst the Volcanoes Continuing along F road 208, the next stop is Hnausapollur, also known as Bláhylur, a striking crater lake formed over a millennium ago by volcanic activity. Hnausapollur is famed for its intense blue waters due to its high silica content that starkly contrasts with the surrounding dark volcanic ash and red gravel. This lake is not just a sight to behold; it is a testament to Iceland's volatile yet captivating geological history.

Hikers and geology enthusiasts will find Hnausapollur particularly appealing. The lake and its surroundings provide a unique insight into the processes that shape the Icelandic landscape, from volcanic eruptions to the gradual accumulation of minerals in the lake's waters. The area around Hnausapollur is accessible for walking. It offers various vantage points for visitors to soak in this volcanic wonder's majestic views and tranquil atmosphere.


Ljóti Pollur: Beyond the Name Ljóti Pollur, translating to "Ugly Puddle," contradicts its name with its stunning, if stark, beauty. This dark-colored lake, nestled amongst the highland's rugged terrain, presents a different facet of Iceland's natural elegance. Surrounded by black volcanic sands and rocks, Ljóti Pollur offers a minimalist, almost lunar landscape that appeals to those who find beauty in desolation.

The lake's distinct appearance and the surrounding area are less lush than its counterparts, giving it a unique charm that makes it a must-visit for those traveling the F roads in Iceland. The quiet solitude of Ljóti Pollur, coupled with the stark contrasts between its waters and the volcanic landscape, provides a profound sense of isolation and introspection. One can feel off to Iceland in its most untouched form in this place.


Frostastaðavatn: The Jewel of the Highlands The final leg of our journey along F road 208 leads us to Frostastaðavatn, a large and enchanting lake known for its crystal-clear waters and the vibrant life it supports. Unlike the other locations on this route, Frostastaðavatn is surrounded by a more diverse landscape, including lush vegetation and various bird species that thrive in this serene environment.

Anglers and bird watchers particularly treasure Frostastaðavatn. The lake's waters are rich with Arctic char, and its shores provide numerous opportunities to observe Iceland's avian inhabitants in their natural habitat. The tranquility of Frostastaðavatn makes it an ideal spot for ending our journey through the F roads in Iceland, offering moments of peaceful reflection by the water's edge, surrounded by the natural beauty that defines Iceland.


Conclusion: Traveling along F road 208 in the Icelandic highlands is more than just a journey through a physical landscape. It is an exploration of the diverse, dynamic, and dramatic environments that make Iceland a unique destination for adventurers and nature lovers worldwide. From the cascading tears of Sigöldugljúfur to the tranquil waters of Frostastaðavatn, this route offers a glimpse into the soul of Iceland.